Tuesday, September 16, 2014

How to sync work calendar on Microsoft Outlook to Google Nexus?

Google hates Microsoft. It is not straightforward to sync an Outlook calendar on Google devices such as Nexus.

1. Export your Outlook calendar (i.e. work calendar) to csv file. In Microsoft Outlook, go to File -> Open and export -> Import and export -> Export to a file -> Comma Separated Values -> Select destination folder: choose Calendar

2. Import the csv file to your Google Calendar. In your Google Calendar -> Other calendars -> Import calendar -> choose the csv file

3. Once it is imported to your Google Calendar, your Nexus will sync it automatically if there is a wifi connection.

Sunday, August 10, 2014


High-consequence industries refers to industries in which accidents can be catastrophic,causing loss of life (aviation, chemical, nuclear, healthcare), disruption to society (oil and rail), and risks or threats to consumer safety (healthcare, food production).

Thursday, August 07, 2014

UK universities ranking 2015

1  Cambridge
2  Oxford
3  London School of Economics
4  St Andrews
5  Durham
6  Imperial College London
7  Warwick
8  Bath
9  University College London
10 Exeter
11 Lancaster
12 Surrey
13 Loughborough
14 York
15 East Anglia
16 Birmingham
17 Bristol
18 Leicester
19 Newcastle
20 Southampton
21 Edinburgh
22 Kent
23 Cardiff
23 Leeds
23 Nottingham
26 Sheffield
27 Aston
28 King's College London
29 Glasgow
30 Manchester
31 Liverpool
31 Queen's, Belfast
33 Heriot-Watt
33 Royal Holloway
36 Queen Mary
37 Reading
38 Sussex
39 Essex
40 City
41 Strathclyde
42 Swansea
43 Keele
44 Aberdeen
45 Stirling
46 St George's, University of London
47 Brunel
48 Oxford Brookes
49 Dundee
50 Goldsmiths, University of London
51 Coventry
52 Nottingham Trent
53 West of England, Bristol
54 Robert Gordon
55 Lincoln
55 Falmouth
57 Arts University Bournemouth
58 Northumbria
59 Winchester
60 Hertfordshire
61 Buckingham
62 University for the Creative Arts
63 Portsmouth
64 Bangor
65 Bournemouth
66 Hull
67 Huddersfield
68 Bath Spa
69 Sheffield Hallam
70 University of the Arts, London
71 De Montfort
72 Glasgow Caledonian
73 Brighton
73 Manchester Metropolitan
73 Northampton
76 Chichester
77 Bradford
78 Chester
79 Plymouth
80 Queen Margaret
81 Ulster
82 Liverpool John Moores
83 Birmingham City
84 Harper Adams
84 Salford
86 Derby
87 Aberystwyth
88 Royal Agricultural University
89 Edge Hill
90 Central Lancashire
91 Abertay
91 Gloucestershire
93 Roehampton
94 Middlesex
95 York St John
96 Teesside
96 Westminster
98 Cardiff Metropolitan
99 Greenwich
100 South Wales
101 Edinburgh Napier
102 Leeds Metropolitan
103 Canterbury Christ Church
104 Worcester
105 Staffordshire
106 Newman
107 Kingston
108 Sunderland
109 St Mark and St John
110 Glyndwr
110 West London
112 Cumbria
113 Leeds Trinity
114 Southampton Solent
115 Buckinghamshire New
116 Anglia Ruskin
117 Bedfordshire
118 Bishop Grosseteste
119 West of Scotland
120 University of the Highlands and Islands
121 London South Bank
122 Bolton
123 East London
124 London Metropolitan 

Thursday, May 08, 2014

UK Universities not in the league table

  • Liverpool Hope, Newport, Swansea Metropolitan, Trinity St David and Wolverhampton requested not to be included in the league table
  • Highlands and Islands – given its unique collegiate structure with thirteen academic partners, it would be inappropriate for the University of the Highlands and Islands to appear in the tables.
  • Birkbeck and South Wales – excluded due to incomplete data sets
  • Norwich University of the Arts – excluded as a single subject university.

Thursday, April 03, 2014

How to fix "adb devices" can't find Android device on Windows

Google Nexus 7 
Windows 7
Installed the latest Android sdk
"adb devices" couldn't find Android device when it was plugged in and USB debugging enabled

How to solve it

1. Adding the new device reference in android_winusb.inf
in C:\Android\sdk\extras\google\usb_driver

Right click your Android device in your computer's "Device Manager", select "properties", Details Tab and from the dropdown Property list select "Hardware Ids". Copy the 2 values in your clipboard.

Edit the android_winusb.inf file included with the Google USB Drivers (the location on my machine is "C:\Android\sdk\extras\google\usb_driver" and add these lines using the 2 values in your clipboard:

; your device model
%SingleAdbInterface%        = USB_Install, Clipboard first value
%CompositeAdbInterface%     = USB_Install, Clipboard second value

after the last lines of the [Google.NTx86] section.

2. Updated the drivers in your computer's Device Manager. (You need admin right to do this)

Device Manager -> Portable devices, right click the Android device in Device Manager -> Change settings (need admin right), uninstall the Android usb driver completely

unplug your Android device, re-plug back in,
update the driver, and manually point it to the google usb driver in "C:\Android\sdk\extras\google\usb_driver" (just select this directory)

3. In Command window, run 'adb devices'.
At this point adb should recognize the device (as an unauthorized device)

4. You will then see a dialog on your Android device, asking whether to accept an RSA key that allows debugging through this computer. Click Ok

(if you don't see this dialog on your phone, unplug your phone from the computer and plug it back in.)

run 'adb devices' again
This time the device will be authorized.

Comparison of UK bank fees for receiving international payments

HSBC Receiving Euros from the EEA: no fee Receiving Less than £100 from outside the EEA: £5 Receiving More than £100 in another currency, ...