When looking for the best deals on train travel, many turn to train ticket splitting websites. These platforms can help you save money by breaking down your journey into separate legs, potentially leading to cheaper overall ticket prices. Here are my insights into some of the available options.
- TrainPal: accessible both via their website and through a mobile app. TrainPal does not charge any booking fees when you use their app. However, if you use their website, they will take a 12% charge of what you save, with a cap of £1.99. Users should be cautious of the app’s marketing tricks, which include referrals, promotional offers, and cashback games that often waste time. For instance, a promised £20 voucher may become elusive as the reward incrementally reduces to pennies, making it challenging to actually get the voucher. Additionally, the marketing claims are frequently overblown, delivering far less than promised.
- trainsplit.com, splityourticket.co.uk, and splitticketing.com all seem to offer identical pricing and UIs. I suspect these platforms use the same backend search engine. splitticketing.com charges £1 booking fee when you proceed to payment. trainsplit.com and splityourticket.co.uk don't charge booking fees. Their share of saving are same, which is 15% of what you save, but this is included in the costs you see when selecting tickets. trainsplit.com has better reviews on Trustpilot. Hence, I think this is the best platform among the three. Compared to TrainPal, these websites are more straightforward and less cluttered with distracting marketing.
- splitmyfare.co.uk search returns same (or slightly higher) costs than trainsplit.com and TrainPal app, but still cheaper than standard prices on NationalRail or train operators' websites.