Friday, December 07, 2007

Title deeds and mortgage

Title Deeds: Documents that show proof of who owns the freehold and leasehold property.
Transfer deed: This is a document that, once you sign it, transfers the ownership of a property to you.

In exchange for the price the seller's solicitor sends the signed title deeds and any other related documents to the buyer's solicitor. The buyer's solicitor will check them, arranged for stamp duty land tax (if any) to be paid and have them registered in the public registers. The public register will issue a receipt and in a few months thereafter return the title deeds to the buyer's solicitor where they are again checked. The buyer's solicitor will supply a copy to the buyer and send the original document to the mortgage lender who will keep it until you pay off the mortgage.

When you pay off the mortgage, the lender will remove its name from the Title Deeds and return it to you at the end of the mortgage.

Saturday, December 01, 2007


20. 为每一位上台唱歌的人鼓掌。     

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Where did the custom of putting Xs and Os at the bottom of a letter come from?

The first mention in literature of XXX for kisses at the bottom of a letter was in 1901, according to the Oxford English Dictionary. The X itself is very old. The custom goes back to the early Christian era, when a cross mark or "X" was the same as a sworn oath. The cross referred to the cross of Calvary and the first letter of the Greek word for Christ, Xristos.

Even as little as a hundred and fifty years ago, not many people could read or write. The "X" at the bottom of a document took the place of a signature. They would kiss the "X" as a crucifix or bible was kissed to emphasize the importance of the mark. It was this practice that lead to the "X" representing a kiss.

There isn't much known about the beginnings of the "O". It is a North American custom. The "O" represents the arms in a circle around another person. Arms crossed in front of you do not mean the "X" as a hug! The "O" is the hug.

In "The Joys of Yiddish" by Leo Rosten, it is noted that illiterate immigrants (or those who did not know Roman-English letters) would generally sign entry forms with an "X" but Jews preferred an "O" to avoid making something that looked like a cross. Also, shopkeepers and salesmen would similarly sign receipts with a circle. Could this be the origin of the "O"? 就跟阿Q画圈一样啊!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Service life of brick buildings

Potential service life of the structural frame of a building will be 200 years for brick/block/concrete and perhaps only 75-100 years for lightweight framing/SIPs panel.

In UK, service lives required for each building type or sector could be
· office - 20 years
· domestic - 200 years
· education - 60 years
· healthcare - 50 years
· retail and warehouse - 10 years

Stone is the building material which lasts longest.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

3ds Max PathDeform modifier

1. To stretch along a path (line), use PathDeform modifier, "Pick path" button, then increase the value of "Stretch". Good method to make tree branch, octopus tentacles, etc.

2. To lathe a line (spline), if the result is not right. Changing "Modifier List > Lathe > Axis" may fix it.

Friday, October 12, 2007

First time buyer

首次买房失败:first time buyer 要问请房子是否是 steel frame prefab concrete

今天早上兴冲冲去银行办 mortgage, 本以为走出了关键的一步,离“自己的家”又近了一步。填完好多表以后,谈到选哪种 survey时。mortgage advisor 问我房子的 condition 如何,我拿出照片给她看。谁知她看了一眼就问这房子是不是 steel frame, prefabricated reinforced concrete 的。我说不知道。她说看起来有点像,但是翻翻中介的材料上没有写。她说一般房子 standard build是 bricks and tiled roof,如果不是的话,中介应该写的。银行一般不给 steel frame 的房子做 mortgage的,因为这种房子如果 damp的话,里面的steel frame 会生锈。另外,这种房子卖起来也不好卖。

为保险起见,她给中介打了个电话。果然是 steel frame + prefabricated reinforced concrete 的,这个中介居然不跟我们说清楚。这些他们本地人一目了然的特点,对我们外国人则不是显而易见的。这个 mortgage advisor 是个好人,她说你以后看房子如果外面不能直接看到砖头的话,要问一下是不是 standard build的。

立马去中介质问。答曰没有法律规定一定要在广告上写明steel frame + prefabricated reinforced concrete 的。所以既然我们没有问起,他们也就不提。还好现在发现,不然付了survey的钱再发现就损失大了。

照理说,我们 offer 的这个是 ex-council house,应该是比较牢的才对。可以 mortgage advisor 说了,it's not the fact in this case. 因为council 在50-60年代的时候造了很多这样的steel frame + prefabricated reinforced concrete 的房子。在北部,有些这样的房子已经出现问题,严重影响 property value.

现在又要重新看房了,哎。。。特此上来写一下这个经验教训,请first time buyer 们注意。
另外一个经验是:尽量不要选中介推荐的 mortage advisor。他们跟中介是一伙的,不会给你指出这些毛病。要是让我自己看 survey report 的话,即便写的清清楚楚是 steel frame and prefab concrete的,也不会觉得有什么不妥。


Thanks for sharing!

其实很容易看出来,如果这个房子比类似的房子便宜很多,就要问为什么。通常 concrete built 都比 brick built 便宜很多,30%~40%不等。concrete 容易裂缝,很难修补,所以银行不喜欢借钱。


steel frame的房子还冬天冷夏天热呢。

请问怎么才能看出来是steel frame的啊

这个房子并没有比类似的房子便宜。不过倒是砍价砍下去10k. 当时中介说卖主夫妻分居想尽快出手云云。明天开始重新踏上看房的历程。
引用(amadeus @ 12 Oct 2007, 18:55)
其实很容易看出来,如果这个房子比类似的房子便宜很多,就要问为什么。通常 concrete built 都比 brick built 便宜很多,30%~40%不等。concrete 容易裂缝,很难修补,所以银行不喜欢借钱。

引用(rfguy @ 12 Oct 2007, 22:46)
请问怎么才能看出来是steel frame的啊

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Game Maker 7

direction = 0, right
direction = 90, up
direction = 180, left
direction = 270, down

Don't put "set lives" etc. in the Create event of the obj_controller, instead, put in the the "Game start" event. Because when the player loses one life and "restart the current room", the actions in Create event of the obj_controller will be execurated and you will see your number of lives doesn't decrease by 1.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

3ds Max increase/decrease mesh resolution

Tessellate modifier subdivides faces in the current selection. It's particularly useful for smoothing curved surfaces for rendering, and creating additional mesh resolution for other modifiers to act on.

MultiRes does the opposite. It decreases the LOD of the selected mesh. You can select a percentage or set a vert count limit.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

C++: convert managed clr System::String^ to std::string

#include vcclr.h

System::String^ line = "a managed string";
pin_ptr wch = PtrToStringChars( line );
int len = (( line->Length+1) * 2);
char *ch = new char[ len ];
wcstombs( ch, wch, len );
string lineStr = ch;
delete ch;

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Ogre Overlay

change size of debug overlay background for the score area: in c:\NxOgre\bin\Media\Overlays\OgreDebugPanel.overlay, under " container Panel(nx.gui.stats) {...}"

change "height 30" to "height 36" to suit for the bigger TextHeight (font size).

The original OgreDebugPanel.overlay file was backed-up in C:\eunice\MSVC\MS\VirtualMotion_Backup\29Mar07

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Exporting mirror object from 3ds Max to Ogre

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 2:07 pm Post subject: exporting mirror object from 3ds Max

I got problem when exporting mirror object. I have a left hand model, and I created a right hand using "mirror selected objects". Then I export the two hands one by one using octopus exporter. It seems both the two exported meshes are left-hand.
I tried LEXIExporter too. Got two left hands too. Any thoughts on this? Thank you
Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 2:16 pm Post subject:

Have you tried to do a Reset XForm on the mirrored object?
Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 3:10 pm Post subject:

Thanks for your reply.
yes, i tried reset XForm, still get two left hands. The only difference is one hand facing +z, the other facing -z.
Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 1:41 am Post subject:

Try this:
Under editable mesh/poly in the modifier panel select the left hand. Click "Attach". Choose to Attach the right hand model to the left hand. If you need the two hands to be seperate, merely detach the right hand after these steps.
Reset Xform doesnt always work you see... Attaching one model to another is another method of reseting that can be more robust at times.
Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 9:12 am Post subject:

Attach/Detach works! Thank you very much, TenTerHooK.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Impact factor

ISI Web of Science
Journal citation reports

the journal impact factor is one way authors and readers judge the quality of a publication. Impact factors have been used to assess academic productivity and are sometimes used to evaluate an author. Journal editors are frequently judged by the change in the impact factor of the journal they edit. What is the impact factor and how is it determined? The impact
factor was created in the 1960s to help select journals for the Science Citation Index (2). Today the journal impact factor comes from the Journal Citation Report (JCR), a product of
Thomson Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) (3). The aim of the factor was to develop a scale that allowed small but important review journals to enter the Science Citation
Index. The impact factor of a journal is calculated using two elements: the numerator, which is the number of citations in the literature in the current year to any items published in a
journal in the preceding 2 years and the denominator, which is the total number of substantative articles published in that journal in the same 2 years.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Brenda's potty training progress: she kept dry all day yesterday.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

NxOgre development-full screen

NxOgre.0.5.preview.3 (the old version)
in ogre.cfg file in the same folder as the .exe, change
Full Screen=No

change ogre.cfg
Video Mode=1280 x 1024
The HMD works in full screen mode. Horray!!

in NxOgre.0.4.RC.2 (the new version)
change config.yaml file instead.

using the VR1280 HMD
to avoid the 'input out of range' error on the monitor, switch the machine on with the monitor, then swop the display plug to HMD controller and etc.

Comparison of UK bank fees for receiving international payments

HSBC Receiving Euros from the EEA: no fee Receiving Less than £100 from outside the EEA: £5 Receiving More than £100 in another currency, ...